Clever Kids - приватна початкова школа та дитячий садок (проспект Героїв Сталінграда, 12н, Київ, Украина, 02000) - Reviews

All reviews >> Companies >> Clever Kids - приватна початкова школа та дитячий садок - Reviews
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Last review16:2613.08.2023
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Phone: +380 96 615 7505

Address: проспект Героїв Сталінграда, 12н, Київ, Украина, 02000

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We found 30 reviews about company Clever Kids - приватна початкова школа та дитячий садок, located at проспект Героїв Сталінграда, 12н, Київ, Украина, 02000.

Average rating of company 4.5 points out of 5.
The company rating is high, which increases customer confidence when making decisions about purchasing a product or service.

Reviews about the company collected from Google Maps, Yandex Maps, in the period from 13.04.2017 until 13.08.2023.

No reviews have been left about the company in the last 30 days. You can motivate customers to leave feedback about your company through a system of rewards and discounts, mail and SMS newsletters. If the customer leaves a positive review, the probability that they will return for the service again increases significantly.

Percentage of replies to reviews - 7%.
Company representatives Clever Kids - приватна початкова школа та дитячий садок you need to reply to customer reviews more often, since only 2 review from 30 with answers. According to research, 86% of users study reviews of a company before purchasing, and 89% of them care about how the company responds to reviews.

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Google Maps - 2 last review out of 30
Это наверное лучший детский сад в Киеве. Наш сын там очень счастлив. Детей окружают настоящие профессионалы. Clever Kids уделяет большое внимание развитию каждого ребенка, регулярно общается с родителями. Помещения потрясающие, с большой открытой игровой площадкой и крытым бассейном. Английский преподает носитель языка. Мы очень довольны Clever Kids. This is probably the best kindergarten in Kyiv. Our son is very happy there. Kids are surrounded by real professionals. Clever Kids pays much attention to the development of every child, they communicate with parents regularly. The premises are amazing with big outdoor playground and indoor swimming pool. English is taught by a native speaker. We are very happy with Clever Kids.
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