Магнит (ул. Ленина, 10, Сафакулево, Курганская обл., 641080) - Reviews

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Total reviews 86
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Last review07:5625.04.2024
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Phone: +880 2009002

Address: ул. Ленина, 10, Сафакулево, Курганская обл., 641080

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A system for monitoring and analyzing business reviews and ratings on popular recommendation services.

We found 86 reviews about company Магнит, located at ул. Ленина, 10, Сафакулево, Курганская обл., 641080.

Average rating of company 2.8 points out of 5.
The company rating is low. By processing negative reviews and motivating satisfied customers to leave a recommendation, you can increase the company's rating. According to research by the advertising agency Go Fish Digital, organizations lose from 22% of customers due to a negative rating on the Internet.

Reviews about the company collected from Google Maps, Yandex Maps, Yell.ru in the period from 25.07.2018 until 25.04.2024.

No reviews have been left about the company in the last 30 days. You can motivate customers to leave feedback about your company through a system of rewards and discounts, mail and SMS newsletters. If the customer leaves a positive review, the probability that they will return for the service again increases significantly.

Percentage of replies to reviews - 1%.
Company representatives Магнит you need to reply to customer reviews more often, since only 1 review from 86 with answers. According to research, 86% of users study reviews of a company before purchasing, and 89% of them care about how the company responds to reviews.

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Google Maps - 2 last review out of 50
почему в вашем магазине не принимают талоны на скидку 25%
(question from Google.Maps Q&A system)
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Google Maps
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Google Maps
Яндекс - 2 last review out of 35
Всегда надо проверять чек.Постоянно разница в цене витрины и что выбивает кассир.После долгих споров нехотя возвращают и не полностью разницу.извинений нет и вид у них как будто покупатель во всём вы иноват. И это норма.
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Для посёлка очень даже неплохой магазин.
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Repometr - 1 review
Anonymous review
Очень хороший магазин, всегда большой ассортимент товаров и масса различных скидок. Удобное расположение магазина и хороший персонал!!!
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